Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dead Meat

In the animation futurama, when Professor Farnsworth was saying goodbye to everyone because he thought he was going to die, Bender said, "Life goes on.... except for you! HAHAHA!"

While the joke is cruel (and funny), I hope the same can apply to Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay. Right-wing freaks thought it is some left-wing bullshit when people suggest Ken Lay did not die of natural causes, or maybe even faking his death. While there is no evidence to prove so, but the circumstances (the timing, the aftermath...) of his death is very suspicious.

Today, a banker related to Enron's case was found dead in the UK. Things only get fishier....

Because Ken Lay is dead, all these dumb fucks have been saying "good things" about him. For example, Bush called him a "generous man". What the fuck, Ken Lay's a douchebag, a white collar con man. He was generous? He was like the reversal of Robin Hood. He robbed the public and spread the money among the privileged. Stop the bullshit with me about Lay not getting a fair trail because of all the public opinion. What he actually DID has something to do with how much of an ass face people think he was. Now he's dead and every hypocrite (who pretended not to know him) and accomplice has something nice to say. Oh, please. When Ronald Reagan diead, people were talking about how great a president he was. I was like, "What??" Did they remember what he did? Or everyone just has Alzheimer's like him?

I am not going to say something good about some assholes just because they are dead. Their state of existence has nothing to do with their deed or character. On the other hand, my grandmother died recently. She was a great woman. She lived a respectable and honest life and she will be remembered for who she was. Her being alive or dead does not change the way I feel about her.

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