Thursday, January 26, 2006

Nothing interesting here...

     Work was pretty hectic today. Well, Wednesdays are never easy because I don’t get off from work until 8:30 pm. Sometimes I enjoy it, but tonight was just chaotic. For the most part, I enjoy being a children’s counselor. But when the kids go crazy and out of control, it gives me headaches and reminds me that having kids is a crazy idea (good luck to my friends Nadia & Steve).

All that won’t matter soon. My eventual demise from the shelter is coming in four weeks. Although I was told about the cut for six weeks already, I have yet to start looking for a new job in a serious manner. I am just lazy. I don’t know why. Maybe I should discuss that with my therapist tomorrow. However, I am still working very hard for my current job. My friend, who was also going to be cut, went to India and France five weeks ago. My supervisor got fired two weeks ago before her time was up like mine (and still managed to get paid until then). My mentally challenged co-worker is starting to take a day off every week until her last day. I am the only jackass burying myself into my job day in and day out… while I should focus on my near future. (I should be as motivated as Ed Helms on tonight’s Daily Show segment, which showed his job-hunting efforts.)

On a good note, people are treating me pretty nice. Yeah, that’s pretty standard, but I feel like some of my co-workers are being extra nice to me because I’m leaving soon. Rebecca bought me a breakfast taco today from a place she told me long time ago. That’s very nice of her, and maybe it has nothing to do with my departure. I didn’t get a chance to put that tasty taco in my mouth until 8:45 pm. So that taco (plus Lisa’s donut holes) became my dinner tonight.

Can’t stop listening to Television’s Marquee Moon. Tom Verlaine’s and Richard Llyod’s dueling guitars are blowing my brains off.

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